
Showing posts from June, 2020

Equilateral and Equiangular Polygons

A polygon is a 2 dimensional geometric figure bound with straight sides. A polygon is called Equilateral if all of its sides are congruent. Common examples of equilateral polygons are a rhombus and regular polygons such as equilateral triangles and squares.  Now, a polygon is equiangular if all of its internal angles are congruent.  Some important facts to consider The only equiangular triangle is the equilateral triangle If P is an equilateral polygon that has more than three sides, it does not have to be equiangular. A rhombus with no right angle is an example of an equilateral but non-equiangular polygon.  Rectangles, including squares, are the only equiangular quadrilaterals Equiangular polygon theorem. Each angle of an equiangular n-gon is  $$\Bigg(\frac{n-2}{n}\Bigg)180^{\circ} = 180^{\circ} -   \frac{360^{\circ}}{n} $$ Viviani's theorem   Vincenzo Viviani (1622 – 1703) was a famous Italian mathematician. With his exceptional intelligence in math...

Clock Problems

When solving problems relating to clocks, keeping the following two points in mind will be helpful. The Minute hand covers $360^{\circ}$ in 60 minutes, or $6^{\circ}$ per minute. The Hour hand covers $360^{\circ}$ in 12 hours, or   $30^{\circ}$ per hour. Using these facts, the we can easily derive the results below: In a period of 12 hours, the hour and minute hand coincide 11 times. In a period of 12 hours, the hour and minute hand form a $180^{\circ}$ 11 times. In a period of 12 hours, any other angle between the minute and hour hand is formed 22 times. The time gap between any two coincidences is $\cfrac{12}{11}$ hours or $65\cfrac{5}{11}$ minutes. One common problem involving clocks is to find the angle between the minute and hour hand at a given time. To do so, one can use the formula  $$\theta = |5.5m - 30h |$$ Where $\theta =$ desired angle, and the time can be written as $h:m$. Let's use what we have learned to solve a couple problems. 1. What is the angle between the ...

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