Equilateral and Equiangular Polygons

A polygon is a 2 dimensional geometric figure bound with straight sides. A polygon is called Equilateral if all of its sides are congruent. Common examples of equilateral polygons are a rhombus and regular polygons such as equilateral triangles and squares.  Now, a polygon is equiangular if all of its internal angles are congruent.  Some important facts to consider The only equiangular triangle is the equilateral triangle If P is an equilateral polygon that has more than three sides, it does not have to be equiangular. A rhombus with no right angle is an example of an equilateral but non-equiangular polygon.  Rectangles, including squares, are the only equiangular quadrilaterals Equiangular polygon theorem. Each angle of an equiangular n-gon is  $$\Bigg(\frac{n-2}{n}\Bigg)180^{\circ} = 180^{\circ} -   \frac{360^{\circ}}{n} $$ Viviani's theorem   Vincenzo Viviani (1622 – 1703) was a famous Italian mathematician. With his exceptional intelligence in math...

Pigeonhole Principle

The Pigeon Hole principle follows a simple observation that if you have 10 pigeons and 9 pigeonholes and you distribute these pigeons randomly, its quite obvious that there will be one pigeonhole with more than 1 pigeon. In other words, there are n boxes (the Pigeonholes), into which more than n objects (the Pigeons), have been placed, then at least one of the boxes must have received more than one of the objects. This principle is frequently applied in problems where we need to determine a minimal number of objects to ensure that some integral number property is satisfied.

Consider the following puzzle: 
A box contains red, black and white balls. The objective is to pick balls satisfying some constraints. How many balls must be taken to ensure that there is a pair of same color? The key to solve this puzzle is pigeonhole principle. 

The principle says: If $n$ pigeons are nesting in $m$ pigeonholes, where $n > m$, then at least one pigeonhole has more than one pigeon
In general, if $n(r −1) + 1$ objects are distributed into $n$ boxes, then there exists a box containing at least $r$ objects.

Let us look at a few examples - 

Ex 1. 
Among any group of $366$ people, there must be at least two with the same birth date. Assume that there are $365$ days in a year

The first step in solving pigeon hole problems is to identify pigeons and pigeon holes. Consider each day in a year as a pigeonhole, i.e., each pigeon hole is labeled as 1-Jan, 2-Jan, 3-Jan, etc., and people as pigeons. A pigeon (person) is placed in the hole labeled 1-Jan if his birth date is 1-Jan. Since there are $365$ pigeons and $366$ people, by pigeonhole principle, there exist more than one person having the same birth date.

Ex 2.
Among any group of $13$ people prove that there must be at least two with the same birth month. 

Consider months in a year as pigeonholes and people as pigeons. Thus, by pigeonhole principle, there exists more than one people having the same birth month.


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